Prof. Popova Speaks to CBC News Network Regarding Alexei Navalny's Death

February 17th, 2024.

See the original article by Saša Petricic in its entirety here.

Watching from Canada, Maria Popova, an associate professor of political science at McGill University, says she saw hints of Navalny's political successor.

"[Yulia Navalnaya] sounded like she's taking the baton and may be ready to lead the organization," Popova said. Navalny's death means his movement hasn't been "decapitated" after all, given the network of committed activists who helped him in dozens of offices across Russia and with his online campaigns.Still, she points out that with only 10-20 per cent of Russians ready to question Putin's leadership, Navalnaya would face the same challenges and risks her husband did."


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Prof. Maria Popova
McGill University
855 Sherbrooke Ouest
Montréal, Quebec
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